
The day I was Roseanne...

This is my biggest blond moment - it's so stupid, I just have to tell it. So here goes: When Chris & I were first married, we lived in this apartment that had large patio doors. Everytime you would cook, they would get fogged up. Well.....one day, he wrote in the "fog"
and then a picture of a rose.

I then yelled- "Hey, that's perfect cause my name's Roseanne"
What?! What?! What?! That actually came out of my own mouth! I actually forgot my own name. How is that possible???????? The funniest part was that Chris responded instantly with yes, but as soon as he realized he immediately said No, your name's NOT Roseanne! The crazy part was that I needed him to tell me my name was NOT Roseanne. There, now you know. And yes, I know you will all look at me different, but it just shows you we're all stupid sometimes! I DARE you to write your most embarassing moment. It's quite liberating.


Roxanne said...

This story dedicated to Alyssa Laing - one of the only people who can call me Roseanne!

Ryan And Kath said...

Dear Rosy,
I have a bunch of embarassing moments but I'll share three:
-when I fainted the the middle of physics class in gr.11
-when I my own bangs in gr.7 and they were wwwaaaaayyy too short
-when I spent an afternoon at highschool with a big piece of Oreo cookie between my middle teeth.

...wow...I DO feel better sharing!


Roxanne said...

Whoot! Freedom is telling your embarassing moments. I can totally picture you in all three of those scenarios! the bangs one might be my favorite, though.