I was tagged by Heather to do this meme"8 random things about me"...so here goes
1. I'm scared of cows. Bet you didn't see that one coming. it comes from a childhood traumatic event watching my sister get chased by a cow.
2. I don't like speaking in public. It's funny, I'm so outgoing and love talking with people, but don't like speaking in public!
3. I HATE peanut butter & jam sandwiches. No reason, haven't really had them much in my life, but I hate them. Jam & cheese sandwiches on the other hand are AMAZING!
4. I used to pray every night that God would make me 6 foot 1. Just like my brother (he now is taller, though). Glad God didn't grant that wish!
5. When I was in kindgergarten, I used to tell everyone I wanted to be a cherry picker and even came home from school with a paper that said...when I grow up, I want to be a cherry picker and I drew a picture of someone picking cherries. Wow, kids are random.
6. I love crowds! The more people, the better. I also enjoy going to places/parties who I don't know a single person and spend the evening getting to know new people.
7. Weirdest thing ever. I kind of like the smell of skunks. Wouldn't want to get sprayed by one, but I still don't mind the smell.
8. I completed Grade 10 in Piano, and who knows, you might see me play sometime in church.
Now that I've done this Meme, I tag the following 4 loveley individuals:
Kathleen Metz