The most amazing people I know......
My husband and I are youth pastors. We love our youth. In fact, I feel like I have 60 children. I cry when they cry, laugh when they laugh and get a little crazy with them sometimes. There are nights when some of them are unable to come and it just doesn't feel right. I am so amazed that God has chosen us to be His ambassadors to these amazing wonders called youth. I can't imagine my life without them. Some days I get discouraged and wonder why God chose me - I'm not near perfect. But I am so thankful. We've also got the most amazing team of mentors around us - can't imagine doing it without them. Each person brings a "flavor" with them that is just, well, them. We've got one guy who is our "gentle father" - he protects and cares for us all so deeply - he is a 2nd father to the girls. One woman who is so sweet & gentle and everyone wants to be around her. One woman who is THE social butterly and is in the middle of every crazy fun conversation, one man who is quiet and gentle and so full of wisdom and strength, one woman who is sooooo encouraging, cute and has the most amazing worshipper's heart, and one who is so a model for all of us in her gentleness, maturity and character. No one else can take their place. This reminds me we all have a destiny. There is only one person in the world like you. Only you can fill what God has called you to do. And I am glad God has called me to these people.....the most amazing people I know. I love you all.